The impact of the pandemic continues to be characterised by high territorial heterogeneity, both from the point of view of the cases recorded and from the point of view of socio-economic impact. Some of the results obtained in this context:
• The preliminary total number of deaths between 1 March and 7 June 2020 is 2 705 higher than the number registered in the same period in 2019. The positive variation compared to 2019 results mainly from the increase in the number of deaths in persons aged 75 and over (+ 2 488). In 171 municipalities the number of deaths registered between 11 May and 7 June was higher than the same reference value (average number of deaths in the same period in 2018 and 2019).
• In Portugal, for every 10,000 inhabitants there were 37.0 confirmed cases of COVID-19, representing an increase of 13% in relation to 3 June (12% between June 3 and 20 May). The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 disease per 10 thousand inhabitants was above the national value in 48 municipalities.
• The evolution of the new cases of COVID-19 shows an increase in geographical concentration. On 17 June, the relationship between the number of confirmed cases and the number of new confirmed cases (last 7 days) per 10 thousand inhabitants shows seven municipalities in the Metropolitan Area of Lisboa with values above the national average in both indicators: Amadora, Loures, Sintra, Odivelas, Vila Franca de Xira, Barreiro and Lisboa.
• The pandemic also affected the housing market differently across the territory. In April 2020, in all the NUTS 2 regions, there was a decrease in the number of dwellings sales compared to the same month in the previous year, with the decreases in the Algarve and the Autonomous Region of Madeira standing out
More territorial information with daily updates on the demographic context and the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Portugal is available in the application Dashboard | Context and Impact.