Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Monitoring the social and economic impact of COVID-19 pandemic - 5th weekly report
Synthesis INE@COVID-19
Monitoring the social and economic impact of COVID-19 pandemic - 5th weekly report
04 May 2020


Statistics Portugal makes available the synthesis of the 5th weekly report of some of the most relevant statistical findings released for monitoring the social and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This summarized report presents the impact of the pandemic on European Statistics and the actions under development to cope with it.
This report focuses on the Business and Consumer Monthly Economic Indicators (April) and the Business Turnover and Employment Index (March), both published on 29 April. It presents the Flash Estimates of the Consumer Price Index (April)
and Tourism Activity in Portugal (March), and also some data on the Industrial Production Index (March), all published on April 30.
It also presents the summary analysis of the results of the third week (April 20 to 24) of the "Fast and Exceptional Business Survey - COVID-19", carried out in collaboration with the Banco de Portugal, and published on April 28.
For further details, see the links, for related information, available throughout this press release.

Press release
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