Life expectancy at birth was estimated at 80.93 years. In 2017-2019, men and women could expect to live up to 77.95 years and 83.51 years, respectively. Compared with 2016-2018, it represents an increase of about 2 months for men and 1 month for women.
Within a decade, there was a gain of 1.99 years of life for the total population, 2.11 years for men and 1.64 years for women. This increase in female life expectancy at birth resulted mainly from a reduction in mortality among those aged 60 years and over. For men, these gains were mainly due to the decrease of mortality below 60 years.
Life expectancy at age 65 attained 19.61 years for the total population. A man aged 65 years could expect to live another 17.70 years, and a woman aged 65 another 21.00 years, which represents a gain of 1.22 years and 1.26 years, respectively, in the last ten years.