Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

The proportion of Internet banking users increased by 10 pp
Information and knowledge society - household survey
The proportion of Internet banking users increased by 10 pp - 2018
21 November 2018


Internet access at home continues to increase, encompassing 79% of households in 2018, 2 percentage points (pp) more than in the previous year and 26 pp more than in 2010. Almost all households with Internet access at home have a broadband access.
In 2018, there are 81% of mobile Internet users, mainly via mobile phone or smartphone; 67% of residents used or installed applications on their smartphone. The proportion of Internet banking users aged 16 to 74 years is 52%, 10 pp more than in the previous year.
37% of residents aged 16 to 74 used e-commerce in the 12 months prior to the interview, 3 pp more than in the previous year and 22 pp more than in 2010, but below the European Union rate.

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