In October 2018, exports and imports of goods recorded year-on-year nominal growth rates of +5.9% and +5.3% respectively, both accelerating when compared to the previous month (+1.0% and +0.4% in the same order, in September 2018). Excluding Fuels and lubricants, exports increased by 8.5% and imports grew by 7.6% (+2.6% and +1.4% respectively, in September 2018).
The deficit of trade balance amounted to EUR 1,593 million in October 2018, i.e. increasing by EUR 54 million when compared to the same month of 2017. Excluding Fuels and lubricants, the trade balance stood at EUR -1,100 million, corresponding to an increase of EUR 39 million in the trade deficit when compared to October 2017.
In the quarter ended in October 2018, exports and imports of goods increased by 3.1% and by 4.5% respectively, vis-à-vis the same period of the previous year.