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New digital publication presenting the life of women and men in Europe. At home, at work, at school...
The life of women and men in Europe - A statistical portrait
New digital publication presenting the life of women and men in Europe. At home, at work, at school... - 2017
18 October 2017


Our lives are filled with different milestones, such as starting school, leaving the parental home and starting work, getting married, having children, retiring… When it comes to education, employment, careers and earnings, but also childcare, health and nutrition habits, or cultural, sports and internet habits, there are large differences between women and men but also between EU Member States.
Statistics can help to better understand the diversity and characteristics of the life of Europeans, by highlighting similarities and disparities between women and men. This is precisely the aim of the brand new digital publication 'The life of women and men in Europe – a statistical portrait', issued today by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, in collaboration with the National Statistical Institutes of the EU Member States and the EFTA countries. This digital publication presents easily understandable statistics through short texts, graphs and interactive visualisation tools. Readers will also be able to test their knowledge in a quiz.
The publication, which is released on the occasion of the European Statistics Day taking place each year on 20 October, is available for the first time in 24 languages.

Press release
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