Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

225.4 thousand foreign citizens have acquired portuguese citizenship between 2008 and 2016
International Migrants Day - 18 December
225.4 thousand foreign citizens have acquired portuguese citizenship between 2008 and 2016 - 2016
15 December 2017


Between 2008 and 2016, the total number of Portuguese citizenship acquisitions amounted to 225,428, which represents an annual average of approximately 25 thousand. The highest annual value was registered in 2016, with 29,351 acquisitions of Portuguese citizenship, 30% higher than in 2015.
The number of women who acquired Portuguese citizenship amounted to 115,534 and that of men to 109,894, which resulted in a sex ratio of 95 males to every 100 females.
The nationals from Brazil (60 335) and from Cape Verde (37 417) accounted for most of the Portuguese citizenship acquisitions, in the period 2008-2016, with a total relative weight of 43%.
The average age of foreign citizens that acquired Portuguese citizenship is different depending on the place of residence: residents in Portugal present an average age of 33 years, while for residents abroad this average is higher (48 years).
Naturalization was the main type of Portuguese citizenship acquisition, accounting for 41% of cases for residents abroad and 73% for residents in Portugal.

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