Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

30% of households had loans that used the main residence as collateral
Household Finance and Consumption Survey
30% of households had loans that used the main residence as collateral - 2013
26 October 2016


The median net wealth held by households living in Portugal was 71.2 thousand euros;
The median net wealth of the 10% top income households was 9.8 times the wealth of the 20% bottom income group;
The median net wealth increased with age up to 64 years and the level of education attained; it was higher for households where the reference person was self employed;
The value of non financial assets accounted for 88% of total assets held by households;
The household residence was the main non financial asset, both in number of owners  and in value;
Around 75% of the households are owners of the main residence;
Saving deposits were the main financial asset in terms of value;
About 30% of households had loans that used the household residence as collateral; this was the main type of debt held by households.

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