Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Around 70% of exporters and 87% of importers traded goods with only one country
Trade by Enterprise Characteristics
Around 70% of exporters and 87% of importers traded goods with only one country - 2015
25 October 2016


Both in exports and imports of goods there is a significant concentration of the traded value in a limited number of enterprises. In 2015 the 100 biggest exporters accounted for around 44% of exports and the 100 biggest importers represented around 39% of imports.
The majority of enterprises traded goods with only one country: 69.7% of exporters and 86.9% of importers. However, enterprises with a wider variety of markets (enterprises with partners in at least 20 countries) concentrated a significant proportion of transactions: 43.8% in exports and 26.6% in imports. Compared to 2010, the degree of exposure of enterprises to export markets reduced and increased to the supply markets.

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