In 2015 the number of building permits issued in Portugal decreased by 4.2% vis-à-vis the previous year (-5.3% in 2014), which means that 14,917 building permits were approved, corresponding to a weaker pace in the decreasing trend displayed since 2000. The total number of dwelling permits in all types of works was 12,801, corresponding to an increase of 11.1% towards the previous year (-1.5% in 2014).
The number of works completed decreased by 19.2% vis-à-vis the previous year (-12.0% in 2014), corresponding to 10,972 buildings. The number of dwellings completed (around 9 thousand) has also decreased 25.7% in 2015 (-21.6% in 2014). Dwellings completed in new constructions for family housing decreased by 25.4% (-24.4% in 2014).
The number of transacted dwellings in 2015 increased significantly (27.4%), as a result of the sharp rise of transactions of existing dwellings and, in a lesser degree, of the increase in the sales of new dwellings. The value of transacted dwellings in 2015 was around 12.5 billion Euros, 2.9 billion Euros more than in 2014, and the respective price index kept the upward trend (+3.1%), although with a slower pace (-1.2 p.p. than in 2014).