In 2014 the number of building permits issued in Portugal decreased by 5.5% vis-à-vis the previous year (-23.2% in 2013), which means that 15,458 building permits were approved, corresponding to a deceleration in the downward trend displayed since 2000. The number of dwelling permits in all types of works decreased by 1.2% vis-à-vis 2013, corresponding to 11,455 dwellings (11,595 in 2013).
In 2014 the number of works completed (based on the estimates for works completed during the period 2012-2014) decreased by 31.1% vis-à-vis the previous year (-16.9% in 2013), corresponding to 14,846 buildings. The number of dwellings completed (around 14 thousand) has also decreased 42.3% in 2014 (-29.7% in 2013). Dwellings completed in new constructions for family housing decreased by 45.9% (-31.3% in 2013).
Data available for 2014 concerning House sales and House price index, shows that the upward trend in terms of the number of dwelling sales, started in 2013, was maintained: year-on-year change rate of +9.8% in 2014 and +6.5% in 2013, vis-à-vis -18.4% in 2012 and -28.0% in 2011.