Statistics Portugal releases the Regional Statistical Yearbooks, which are the key publications regarding statistical data disseminated at regional and municipal levels, aiming to support the understanding of regional developments and the analysis of territorial-based issues.
The topics analysed in this press release point out the following territorial disparities:
•Education: in a context of improvement of the transition/completion rate at upper secondary education, all the municipalities of Lisbon Metropolitan Area, of the Algarve and of the Azores Autonomous Region (with the exception of Calheta) scored values below the national average in this indicator.
•Income and living conditions: it was possible to identify a differentiation in the mean household net total income according to the degree of urbanization – 25 334 Euros for households living in urban areas and 18 397 Euros in rural areas – with the mean value of households living in the urban areas of each one of the seven NUTS 2 regions being higher than the national average.
•Tourism: in a context of demand increase in tourist accommodation, the Madeira Autonomous Region, the metropolitan areas of Lisbon and Oporto and Algarve were the only NUTS 3 regions that registered values above the national average in the bed net occupancy rate in tourist accommodation.
•Regional and local government: in 95 out of the 308 Portuguese municipalities, the municipalities’ own-source receipt represented more than half of the total of receipts from non-financial transactions, with the municipalities of Lisbon and Oporto, as well as Lagoa, Albufeira and Lagos, in the Algarve, scoring higher values.