The unemployment rate for the 3rd quarter of 2015 was 11.9%. This value is equal to the one from the previous quarter and is down 1.2 percentage points (p.p.) from the same quarter of 2014.
The unemployed population was estimated at 618.8 thousand people, corresponding to a quarterly decrease of 0.3% and to a year-on-year decrease of 10.2% (less 1.6 thousand and less 70.1 thousand people, respectively).
The employed population was estimated at 4,575.3 thousand people, which corresponds to a quarterly decrease of 0.1% (less 5.5 thousand people) and to a year-on-year increase of 0.2% (more 10.2 thousand people).
The participation rate of the working age population stood at 58.6%, an identical value to the one from the previous quarter and down 0.6 p.p. from the same quarter of 2014.
In these estimates, the population aged 15 and over was considered and the values were not seasonally adjusted.