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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Slight nominal growth of the industrial production sales driven by the manufacture of petroleum products
Industrial production statistics
Slight nominal growth of the industrial production sales driven by the manufacture of petroleum products - 2013
03 December 2014


The sales of production and industrial services reached, in 2013, 75.8 billion Euro, 0.3% more than in 2012. The production sold accounted for almost the full amount (96.6%), while the remainder (3.4%) related to industrial services sold.
The manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products provided, due to its size and the magnitude of its growth between 2012 and 2013 (7.4%), the most important contribute to the slight increase in the total sales of production, while the electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (division 35), with a 6.8% decrease, contributed negatively to this growth.
The Gas oils, main national production, reached almost 5 billion Euro of sales in 2013, a 17.7% increase from previous year. On the contrary, the sales of motor vehicles with a diesel or semi-diesel engine between 1500 cm³ and 2500 cm³ decreased the most among the main products, 23.2% less than in 2012

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