Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Number of live births bellow 83 thousand
Demographic statistics
Number of live births bellow 83 thousand - 2013
31 October 2014

The number of live births decreased to 82,787 (89,841 in 2012) and the number of deaths reduced to 106,543 (107,612 in 2012).
The number of marriages kept declining (31,998, 2,425 less than in 2012) and the number of divorces had its third consecutive drop (22,525, a decrease of 2,855 from 2012).
The total fertility rate was 1.21 children per women (1.28 in 2012), reaching the lowest level ever.
Life expectancy at birth was estimated at 80 for the 2011-2013 triennium, and is still higher for women (82.79 years, while men only expect to live until 76.91).
In 2013, the number of permanent emigrants (53,786) exceeded again the number of permanent immigrants (17,554).
On 31st December 2013, the resident population in Portugal was estimated to be of 10,427,301 persons, 59,988 less than the estimated population for December 31st 2012, as a result of negative values for both natural increase and net migration growth.
The population aging trend is persistent, as a result of a decrease in the proportion of the young and working age population, and the increasing proportion of elderly population.

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