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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Air emissions accounts: Global Warming Potential kept on reducing in 2012, although less intensively than the economic activity
Air Emissions Accounts
Air emissions accounts: Global Warming Potential kept on reducing in 2012, although less intensively than the economic activity - 2012
17 October 2014

In 2012, according to Air Emissions Accounts, the Global Warming Potential registered a decrease of 1.8% (equal to the reduction observed in 2011), reaching a new minimum for the series started in 1995. However, this reduction was lower than the decreases observed in the 2006-2010 period, what is partly explained by the low rainfall level in 2011 and 2012, which implied a lower production of electricity by hydropower plants and the consequent use of more polluting energy sources, namely coal. In 2012 GVA decreased (-2.6%), more intensively than Global Warming Potential.
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