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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Provisional Estimates of Resident Population-Portugal, NUTS 2, NUTS 3 and Municipalities
Resident population estimates
Provisional Estimates of Resident Population-Portugal, NUTS 2, NUTS 3 and Municipalities - 2013
16 June 2014


Statistics Portugal releases the results of “Estimativas Provisórias de População Residente, 2013, Portugal, NUTS II, NUTS III e Municípios” (Provisional Estimates of Resident Population in Portugal for 2013) as well as the main demographic indicators for 2013: the resident population in Portugal by 31st December 2013 is estimated at 10,427,301 inhabitants; demographic balance for 2013 is characterized by a decrease of -59,988 inhabitants, as a result of both a negative natural balance (-23,756) and a negative net migration (-36,232).

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