Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Air emissions accounts:greenhouse gas emissions kept on reducing
Air Emissions Accounts
Air emissions accounts:greenhouse gas emissions kept on reducing - 2011
18 October 2013

It is estimated that in 2011 there has been a decrease of 1.2% in greenhouse gas emissions (after a decrease of 5.6% in 2010), attaining a new minimum for the series started in 1995. A smaller reduction of these emissions in 2011 is partly explained by the bellow average rainfall level, which implied a lower production of electricity by hydropower plants, with the consequent use of more polluting energy sources. This indicator registered, between 2006 and 2010, successive reductions, showing a dissociation between the evolution of economic activity, which increased in some of those years. In 2011, the greenhouse gas emissions decreased in line with Gross Value Added (GVA).

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