Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Social housing in Portugal
Social Housing in Portugal
Social housing in Portugal - 2012
31 July 2013


In 2012 there were around 118 thousand social housing dwellings (-0.2% than in 2011) distributed by 24.5 thousand buildings, located in 268 municipalities. More than half (53.9%) of the buildings had 2 or more dwellings, leading to a ratio of 4.8 dwellings per building.
Social housing dwellings were almost exclusively (95.5%) rented and about 4.1% were vacant.         
In 2012 there were 25.6 thousand requests for housing, half of them in NUTS II region of Lisbon. Social housing dwellings represented 2.0% of the total dwelling stock in Portugal, corresponding to 1,128 social housing dwellings per 100 000 inhabitants (1,125 dwellings in 2011). Madeira held the highest ratios: 4.2% of dwellings in this region were social housing, leading to 2,104 dwellings per 100 000 inhabitants.  
Social housing generated a revenue of around EUR 81 million (81.9% resulting from collected rents and 18.1% from house selling), recording a decrease of 4.5% vis-à-vis 2011 (EUR -4 million). Moreover, there was an expenditure of EUR 57 million (84.3% with conservation and rehabilitation works and 15.7% with fixed costs1), corresponding to a decrease of 17.5% compared to 2011 (EUR -12 million). 
Average monthly rents in social housing in 2012, independently of the type of contract, was EUR 60 (an increase of slightly more than EUR 1 compared to 2011), and Madeira recorded the highest value of average monthly rent (EUR 71).

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