Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Level of National Food Self-Sufficiency stands at 81%
Food Supply
Level of National Food Self-Sufficiency stands at 81% - 2012
02 April 2013

Portugal has a degree of food self-sufficiency of 81%, in value terms,  for overall agriculture, fisheries and food and beverage industries (average 2006-2010), an indicator that remained stable along the five-year period.
For agricultural products (including wine and olive oil) the degree of self-sufficiency stands at 83%, showing a strong dependence on cereals and oilseeds. By contrast, very close to self-sufficiency are olive oil, eggs, fresh vegetables and fruit. Wine reaches a degree over 100%.
Portugal achieved a level of self-sufficiency of around 82% for fishery products, between 2006 and 2010.
With a 79% degree of self-sufficiency in food industry products, domestic demand is ensured for processed fruits and vegetables, with a surplus for canned fish. The strongest external dependence occurs on products of the food industry of fishing, namely frozen, dried and salted, whose degree of self-sufficiency is lower than 47%.
The degree of self-sufficiency in beverages (excluding wine) showed a sustained growth between 2006 and 2010, reaching 96% in 2010. Portugal is self-sufficient in natural mineral water and beer, although having an external dependence in what concerns to other non-alcoholic beverages (including sodas) and mostly in connection with other alcoholic beverages.

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