Quarterly National Accounts - Flash Estimate
Gross Domestic Product decreased 1.0% in real terms in the third quarter 2013
- 3rd Quarter 2013
14 November 2013
According to the flash estimate of the Quarterly National Accounts, the Portuguese Gross Domestic Product (GDP) registered a year-on-year change rate of -1.0% in volume in the third quarter 2013 (-2.0% in the second quarter). Comparing with the previous quarter, GDP increased 0.2% in volume (1.1% in the precedent quarter).
Domestic demand presented a less negative contribution for the year-on-year change rate of GDP, determined mainly by the less intense decline in Final Consumption Expenditure of Resident Households. On the contrary, the contribution of net external demand decreased, mainly due to the acceleration of Imports of Goods and Services.