In 2011, the national GDP in real terms registered a variation of -1.6% (1.9% in 2010).Preliminary data by NUTS II regions indicate that the GDP has declined more sharply than the national average in Algarve (-2.5%) in the Autonomous Region of Madeira (- 2.3%) and Lisbon (-1.7%). In Autonomous Region of Azores (-0.7%), in Centro (-1.1%), Alentejo (-1.3%) and North (-1.5%) contraction of economic activity was relatively less intense.
In 2010 (final data), GDP increased in all regions except in Algarve (-0.2%). In Alentejo (2.8%), North (2.7%) and Lisbon (2.0%) GDP grew more than in the whole country. The Autonomous Region of Azores (1.8%), Centro (1.1%) and Autonomous Region of Madeira (0.7%), presented more moderate growths.