Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Publication cover

Paper Paper
Women and Men in Portugal in the Nineties
Issue year: 2002


The demographic changes during the second half of the XX century are remarkable. While the life expectancy continues to rise, though at different rhythms for men and women, fertility is still declining. The traditional household went through deep changes, became smaller and the relationships among genders and generations changed. The gender issue has an increasing importance especially in the last decades. We¿ve been experiencing significant changes in the roles division traditionally played by men and women, namely in the occidental societies. We´ve been gradually assisting to the change from a model with a classical repartition of tasks between men and women to a symmetrical model. The huge women¿s entrance into the labour market and the advantages from the medicine advances allow them to control the fertility in a secure way and to take advantage from greater autonomy. Young women start having access to a better education that enables the entrance into the labour market and offers new professional opportunities, equal to men¿s. Despite the advances into the construction of an equitable society, unequal situations still persist, namely, in the access to certain posts and positions, in the career progression, in the wages disparity and in the conciliation between the family life and the professional one.

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