Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Interest rate increased to 4.593%, having diminished to 4.342% for new contracts
Interest rates implied in housing loans
Interest rate increased to 4.593%, having diminished to 4.342% for new contracts - December 2023
19 January 2024


The implicit interest rate for all housing loan agreements increased from 4.524% in November to 4.593% in December, the highest value since March 2009. For the contracts that were closed in the previous three months, the interest rate decreased for the second month in a row, from 4.366% to 4.342%. The average value of owed capital increased 159 Euros, reaching 64,597 Euros. The average value of loan repayments increased 4 euros to 400 euros, an increase of 101 euros compared to the value observed in December 2022 (33.8% more), achieving its maximum value since the beginning of the series (January 2009). In the last month, interest represented 61% of the average repayments, which compares with only 33% one year before. In the contracts celebrated in the last 3 months, the average value of loan repayments decreased 4 euros to 651 euros (21.5% higher than the same month of the previous year).

In 2023, the average annual interest rate for total mortgage loans was 3.612% (1.084% in the previous year). When compared with 2022, the average mortgage owed capital rose 3,316 Euros to 63,459 Euros in 2023. The average value of loans repayments increased 35.3% (94 Euros) to 362 Euros.

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