Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Cultural participation increases in 2017: museums with 10.6% more visitors; spectators increase in cinema and in live performances, 4.6% and 3.9% in that order
Culture Statistics
Cultural participation increases in 2017: museums with 10.6% more visitors; spectators increase in cinema and in live performances, 4.6% and 3.9% in that order - 2017
12 December 2018


• Museums registered 17.2 million visitors, 10.6% more (1.6 million) than in 2016. This increase is mainly explained by foreign visitors who accounted for 1 million more.
• Cinema’s spectators increased to 15.7 million and box office receipts reached €81.7 million, accounting for a 4.6% and 5.8% increase, in that order.
• Live performances recorded 15.4 million spectators (3.9% more than 2016), and €83 million in ticket office receipts (2.4% less than the previous year).
• In 2017, the 364 cultural precincts considered had 564 rooms and a total capacity of 251,539 places.
• Printed materials decreased: newspapers, magazines and other periodical publications lost 20.3% in total circulation (1.9% in total copies sold and 47.8% in offered copies).
• Turnover of enterprises engaging in cultural and creative activities reached €4.9 thousand million in 2016, 3.7% more if compared to 2015. In 2016 there were 55,422 enterprises, corresponding to an increase of 2,595 enterprises when compared with 2015.
• Cultural goods exports amounted to €57.4 million (a 33.7% increase), while imports were over €180 million (17.4% more) resulting in a trade balance deficit of €123.3 million.
• In 2017, the employed population in the cultural and creative sector was 81.3 thousand individuals, very close to the one recorded in the previous year (81.7 thousand).
• Local government expenditure in cultural and creative activities rose to €450.1 million, 16.7% (€64.4 million) more when compared to 2016.


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