Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Value of Industrial Production increased by 1.3%
Industrial production statistics
Value of Industrial Production increased by 1.3% - 2016
20 November 2017


In 2016, total sales of products and services in the manufacturing industry (divisions 10 to 33, 35 and 38 of CAE Rev.3) amounted EUR 78.3 billion, an increase of 1.3% in nominal terms, compared to the previous year (+1.6% in 2015). The activities that recorded the most significant positive contributions to this growth were Food industries, Manufacture of machinery and equipment and Manufacture of computer equipment, communication equipment, electronic and optical products with 0.4 pp each. These activities showed positive changes in relation to the previous year, 2.8%, 12.4% and 15.4%, respectively.
The activity that contributed most negatively to the evolution of total sales of products and services in 2016 was the Manufacture of refined petroleum products (-1.1 p.p.), which registered a new contraction (-11.9% in 2016, after a decrease of 11.7% in 2015).

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