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Regional Development Composite Index
Regional Development Composite Index
Regional Development Composite Index - 2014
15 June 2016


In 2014, according to the results of the regional development composite index, four out of the 25 Portuguese NUTS 3 level regions stood above the national average in terms of the overall regional development – the metropolitan areas of Lisboa and Porto, Alto Minho and Região de Aveiro.
The territorial image of the competitiveness index shows that the regions with more favourable performances are concentrated in the Portuguese mainland coast and especially in the metropolitan area of Lisboa and the mainland Northwest. The metropolitan area of Lisboa was the leading region in the competitiveness index, even though Região de Aveiro and the metropolitan area of Porto also stood above the national threshold.
As for cohesion, the results display a more balanced country than the one resulting from the competitiveness index, since in nine of the 25 level 3 NUTS regions the cohesion index stood above the national average. In this dimension of regional development, the 2014 results suggested a more cohesive territory in the mainland centre sub-regions and in the Northern coastal regions, especially in Região de Coimbra and the metropolitan area of Lisboa.
Regarding the environmental quality index, the 2014 results highlight the inner mainland and the two autonomous regions showing a better environmental quality. The national average was exceeded in 14 out of the 25 NUTS 3 regions and the territorial disparity was weaker than the one observed for the other components. Alto Alentejo was the leading region in 2014 with regard to the environmental quality index.

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