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The qualified (sub)urbanization has increased in the metropolitan territories of Lisboa and Porto
Socioeconomic Typology for the Metropolitan Areas of Lisbon and Porto
The qualified (sub)urbanization has increased in the metropolitan territories of Lisboa and Porto - 2011
24 July 2014

The 2011 socioeconomic typology for the metropolitan areas of Lisboa and Porto divides the territory into six socioeconomic classes – consolidated urban, new qualified (sub)urban, non-qualified (sub)urban, lower density integrated spaces, lower density auto-centred spaces and immigration spaces –, revealing an heterogeneous and fragmented territory, given the characteristics of the housing stock and of the living population. The joint analysis of both metropolitan areas allowed the identification of common territorial patterns as well as distinctive features. The immigration spaces are more present in the metropolitan area of Lisboa while the lower density auto-centred spaces characterize specially the metropolitan area of Porto.
Between 2001 and 2011, the diagnosis of the socioeconomic transformation processes highlights the enlargement of the qualified (sub)urbanization and the contraction of the non-qualified (sub)urbanization in both metropolitan areas. The immigration spaces dynamics has led to an increase in the number of territorial units classified in this class only in the metropolitan area of Lisboa.

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