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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

36 municipalities with a per capita purchasing power above the national average and more than half of the purchasing power is concentrated in the metropolitan areas
Study on the municipal purchasing power
36 municipalities with a per capita purchasing power above the national average and more than half of the purchasing power is concentrated in the metropolitan areas - 2011
08 November 2013

In 2011, the results regarding the per capita purchasing power synthetic indicator showed that 36 out of the 308 Portuguese municipalities exhibited a per capita purchasing power above the national average. The overall results show a concentration of higher municipal values in the metropolitan areas of Lisboa and Porto, as well as in municipalities which are heads of administrative districts. The proportion of purchasing power indicator puts in evidence the fact that 22 municipalities concentrated 50% of the total national purchasing power and that the 35 municipalities of the two metropolitan areas surpassed that value by concentrating 52% of the total national purchasing power.

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