In this publication – Household Expenditure Survey 2022/2023 – Statistics Portugal presents the statistical results regarding the expenditure structure of households living in Portugal. This is the most recent edition of the series of surveys on household budgets, which began in Portugal in the 1960s.
The statistical information is organized into three chapters: the characterization of households, the mean household expenditure and the time evolution of the mean household expenditure. The publication also contains a methodological note that includes a description of the methodological changes, compared to the 2015/2016 edition, regarding the use of COICOP-2018, the annualization factors of the data collected, the sample design and the weighting calibration process, in addition to the concepts for statistical purposes and classifications used.
In addition, tables with the main results of the survey and their respective coefficients of variation, as well as the mean annual expenditure of households up to the 4th level of disaggregation (subclass) of the Classification of Individual Consumption by Objective (COICOP), are available in spreadsheet format.
Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Inquérito às despesas das Famílias : 2022-2023 . Lisboa : INE, 2024. Available at www: <url:>. ISSN 1647-0443. ISBN 978-989-25-0687-6