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Publication cover

Paper Paper
Agriculture, fishing and food industries - 2002
Issue year: 2002

PDF BMAPAI2002_1.pdf (241 Kb)
PDF BMAPAI2002_2.pdf (160 Kb)
PDF BMAPAI2002_3.pdf (152 Kb)
PDF BMAPAI2002_4.pdf (237 Kb)
PDF BMAPAI2002_5.pdf (298 Kb)
PDF BMAPAI2002_6.pdf (478 Kb)
PDF BMAPAI2002_7.pdf (268 Kb)
PDF BMAPAI2002_8.pdf (165 Kb)
PDF BMAPAI2002_9.pdf (241 Kb)
PDF BMAPAI2002_10.pdf (177 Kb)
PDF BMAPAI2002_11.pdf (325 Kb)
PDF BMAPAI2002_12.pdf (387 Kb)

How to cite the document:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Boletim Mensal da Agricultura, Pescas e Agro-indústria : [janeiro a dezembro] de 2002. Lisboa : INE, 2002. Available at www: <url:>. ISSN 1645-2690

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