Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Publication cover

Paper Paper
Portugal - 30 Years of European Integration
Issue year: 2016



The edition Portugal - 30 years of European Integration gathers statistical information aiming to analize how the Portuguese society evolved from 1986 to date, in a total of 30 years of EC/EU membership.

In the four chapters - Territory, Population, Economic Activity and the State - is used a double language – text in parallel with graphic representation – to illustrate the events under observation. Also available metadata and tables in xls. files.

The Portuguese case is presented in all instances and compared with the EU average, here in represented as comprehensively and as possible as EU28 or EU27, but also as its core (EU15). This method shows historical development as well as a greater degree ofeconomic and financial integration.

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How to cite the document:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Portugal : 30 Anos de Integração Europeia. Lisboa : INE,  2016. Available at www: <url:>. ISBN 978-989-25-0350-9

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