In this publication, Statistics Portugal disseminates the main statistical findings on the activity of Tourism under two perspectives: demand from residents in Portugal, as well as supply of collective tourist accommodation.
With regard to tourist demand, the main results from the Travel survey of residents (IDR) are now presented, covering the characteristics of tourism trips and tourists as well. Results from same-day visits are also made available for the first time.
Information on collective tourist accommodation is now presented from the Survey on guest stays in hotels and other establishments (IPHH), as well as from similar surveys conducted by Statistics Portugal covering camping sites, holiday camps and youth hostels. It is worth of mention the dissemination of detailed data not only about hotel accommodation activity establishments and similar ones, but also information about local accommodation, tourism in rural areas and lodging tourism.
Additional chapters are also presented covering the international and national economic context of the tourism sector, based on complementary information from several sources, namely the World Tourism Organization, Eurostat, the International Monetary Fund, Banco de Portugal and Portuguese Port Administrations.
[executive summary in english language]
Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Estatísticas do Turismo : 2013. Lisboa : INE, 2014. Available at www: <url:>. ISSN 0377-2306. ISBN 978-989-25-0267-0