In 2023, 42,792 live performances sessions were held (3.4% more than in 2022). These were attended by 17.1 million spectators (+14.9%) and corresponded to 7.3 million paid tickets (+9.6%) that generated €189.2 million ticket revenues (+28.5%).
Cinema held 542.6 thousand sessions (+6.4%), with 12.3 million spectators (+28.0%) and €72.9 million box office revenues (+31.7%).
The museums had 18.1 million visitors (+14.7%), of which 8.6 million were foreign visitors (+12.7%).
In 2023, periodical publications’ total circulation (407 newspapers and 431 magazines) was 789.4 million, of which 61.8% were newspapers and 38.2% magazines. This year, 12,299 books were edited-printed, which corresponded to a decrease of 4.3% compared to 2022.
The prices of cultural goods and services decreased by 0.6% compared to 2022, despite the increase in the prices of cinema, theatre and concerts (up 10.0% compared to 2022), books (+4.0%) and newspapers and other periodicals (+3.2%).
The 75,370 enterprises of cultural and creative activities, active in 2022, generated €8.1 thousand million turnover, 21.5% more than in 2021. The imports of cultural goods surpassed the exports, leading to a deficit in the trade balance of €288.3 million (with €518.0 million in imports and €229.7 million in exports).
In 2023, cultural employment was estimated at 201.0 thousand people, accounting for 4.0% of total employment. The gross monthly earnings per employee in cultural and creative activities was €1,497, more 5.7% than in 2022.
The Local government expenditure on cultural and creative activities reached €684.8 million, corresponding to an increase of €102,8 million when compared to 2022 (+17.7%).
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