In 2022, 24,696 buildings were licensed in Portugal, representing a decrease of 4.4% compared to the previous year (+9.3% in 2021). Vis-à-vis 2019, there was a 1.0% growth. In the same year, 37,458 dwellings were licensed, corresponding to a 0.5% decrease compared to the previous year (37,636 dwellings in 2021, +9.5%; +5.3% compared to 2019).
It is estimated that 15,588 buildings were completed, corresponding to a 3.5% decrease compared to the previous year (+5.3% in 2021, with 16,161 buildings; +10.0% compared to 2019), and 23,489 dwellings were completed, indicating a slight decrease of 0.1% compared to the previous year (+13.1% in 2021; 23,522 dwellings; +42.4% compared to 2019).
In 2022, the number of dwellings transactions reached 167,900 units, the highest record in the series started in 2009. The value of the transacted dwellings amounted to €31.8 billion, representing a 13.1% growth compared to 2021.
The median price of family dwellings in Portugal was €1,484 per square meter, representing a 14.4% increase compared to the previous year. The median dwelling price remained higher than the national average in the sub-regions of Algarve (€2,339/m2), Área Metropolitana de Lisboa (€2,096/m2), Área Metropolitana do Porto (€1,607/m2), and the Região Autónoma da Madeira (€1,571/m2).
The median rent for the 92,664 new lease agreements of family dwellings in Portugal reached €6.52/m2, representing a 7.9% increase vis-à-vis 2021. There was also a 6.1% increase in the number of new contracts compared to the previous year.
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