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Current expenditure on health increased at a slower pace than GDP
Health satellite account
Current expenditure on health increased at a slower pace than GDP - 2022
04 July 2023


In 2022, current expenditure on health increased by 6.3% in nominal terms, 5.1 p.p. less than GDP (+11.4%). The share of current expenditure in GDP (10.6%) remains higher than in pre-pandemic (9.5% in 2019). Public (+6.6%) and private (+5.7%) current expenditure continued to increase, prolonging the recovery of the non COVID-19 activities that started in 2021.

In 2020, the Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) of health care providers reached 2,411.9 million euros, representing 6.3% of the total GFCF of the national economy. In that year there was an increase of 9.7% in the investment of health care providers, mainly in construction (+20.3%) and in intellectual property products (+15.1%).

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