In March 2023, 4.9 million passengers and 19.2 thousand tonnes of freight and mail were handled at national airports, corresponding to year-on-year variations of +35.6% and +1.9%, respectively, compared to March 2022. Vis-à-vis March 2019, the same complete month before the pandemic, the movement of passengers and freight and mail increased by 13.8% and 10.9%, respectively.
Since the beginning of 2023, monthly passenger values at national airports have always been higher than pre-pandemic levels. In March 2023, there was a daily average of nearly 80 thousand passengers disembarked at national airports, a value higher than the one registered in March 2022 (59.4 thousand; +34.6%) and 15.1% above the one recorded in March 2019 (69.5 thousand).
In the 1st quarter of 2023, the number of passengers increased by 54.3%, while the movement of freight and mail decreased by 0.2%. Compared with the Q1 2019, there were increases of 15.1% and 11.8%, respectively.
France remained the main country of origin and destination of international flights with passengers, followed by the United Kingdom and Spain. In the 1st quarter of 2023, Spain and Italy recorded the highest increases compared to Q1 2022: +84.9% and +84.7%, respectively, in passengers disembarked; +87.5% and +86.2%, in the same order, in passengers embarked.