Within the scope of the 2021 Census 2021, the Base Reference Geographical Information (BGRI 2021) was created, a geographic infrastructure that divides the national territory into small areas for statistical purposes.
In an innovative way, and still in the context of the dissemination of provisional Census results, Statistics Portugal developed a geopackage comprising the information from the 2021 provisional Census results at the level of the counting of buildings, dwellings, households, and individuals associated with the geographical component of BGRI 2021 (statistical section and subsection).
The availability of this information enables the study and portraying of realities at a detailed geographical level, with relevance in various areas of intervention such as the drafting of risk management plans within the scope of civil protection or the planning of basic infrastructures.
Access to this 2021 geopackage is provided on the Statistics Portugal website at:
http://mapas.ine.pt/download/index2021.phtml (available only in Portuguese)