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More than 3/4 of Internet users keep end-of-life computer equipments at home
Information and knowledge society - household survey
More than 3/4 of Internet users keep end-of-life computer equipments at home - 2022
21 November 2022


The results of the Survey on the usage of ICT in households, carried out in June and August 2022, indicate that 88.2% of households in Portugal have internet connection at home and 84.6% have a broadband connection, plus 0.9 percentage points (pp) on the internet connection and 0.5 pp on broadband connection in relation to 2021.

93.0% of households have at least one fixed telecommunications service at home and for 85.6% the existing fixed services are integrated into a package with other telecommunications services (fixed or mobile). Subscription TV is the main service, reported by 87.9% of the total households and by 80.4% of the households with services integrated in a package.

38.6% of households only have access to Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) in their main residence and 29.2% accumulate a TV subscription service with access to DTT.

Access to subscription is more frequent among families with children (95.5%) and in families with higher resources (93.9%), unlike DTT, which predominates in families without children (40.2%) and in families with lower resources (43.1%).

Internet usage is reported by 84.5% of the resident population aged 16 to 74 years old in 2022, 2.2 pp more than in the previous year, which represents a slowdown in growth in relation to the previous 2 years characterised by the COVID-19 pandemic (3.0 pp and 4.0 pp, respectively, in 2020 and 2021).

76.3% of internet users keep at home at least one computer equipment that stopped being used, mainly mobile phones or smartphones (66.4%) and laptops or tablets (42.8%); 26.1% reported the disposal of at least one equipment for recycling electronic waste and 18.6 % sold or offered at least one equipment to persons outside the household.

More than half of internet users (58.6%) reported having considered aspects related to environmental impact when purchasing new computer equipment. Yet, price (84.9%) and the characteristics of the hard drive or processor of the equipment (78.5%) are the characteristics that most influence the purchase.

73.9% of internet users use equipment or systems whose operation is connected to the Internet (Internet of Things – IoT), 3.4 pp more than in 2020. The most used entertainment equipment is television (62.1%) and game consoles (30.0%).

In 2022, 42.7% of persons aged 16 to 74 years old placed orders over the internet in the 3 months prior to the interview, 2.3 pp more than in 2021, but below the increases recorded in the previous two years (7 pp in 2020 and 5.2 pp in 2021).

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