Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Year 2020 marked by the severe impact of the covid-19 pandemic: GVA of non-financial enterprises decreased by 9.8%, in nominal terms
Enterprises in Portugal
Definitive data - 2020
Year 2020 marked by the severe impact of the covid-19 pandemic: GVA of non-financial enterprises decreased by 9.8%, in nominal terms
29 March 2022


In 2020, the non-financial enterprises recorded decreases in turnover and gross value added (GVA) of 10.0% and 9.8%, respectively (+4.0% and +5.8% in 2019). Persons employed, personnel costs and gross operating surplus (GOS) decreased by 2.0%, 1.7% and 17.2%, respectively (+4.1%, +8.7% and +2.1% in 2019, in the same order).

By economic activity, it was in the Accommodation and food services that there was the largest decrease in the GVA (-53.9% compared to 2019), while Information and communication and Energy and water sectors recorded the only growths in all non-financial enterprises (+11.2% and +1.4%, compared to 2019).

In 2020, 35 610 non-financial companies started activity, corresponding to a birth rate of 7.9% (-2.6 p.p. compared to 2019). The number of deaths of non-financial companies is estimated to have been 24 941, corresponding to a mortality rate of 5.5% (-0.4 p.p. year-on-year).

The apparent labour productivity of non-financial companies was EUR 27 822, a decrease of EUR 1 880 in comparison to the previous year, and average annual remuneration stood at EUR 15 188 per person employed (+1.2% compared to the previous year).

With reference to the 2019 Single Report  data, 19.1% of the workers in non-financial companies had higher education qualifications. The average seniority of workers was 6.6 years in these companies as a whole and the average rotation of workers was 23.5%. The Information and communication sector presented the highest proportion of workers with an undergraduate or higher degree (67.0%) and Accommodation and food services the lowest (8.1%).

In 2020, around 12% of the companies with 10 or more persons employed reached a very high or high level of digital intensity, lower than the EU27 average (15%). Companies showed an increasing positive relationship between the digital intensity index and the economic indicators considered.

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