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Enterprises expect a 7.2% nominal increase in exports of goods in 2021, improving compared to the forecast made in november - 2nd Forecast 2021
Perspectives on Exports of Goods
2nd Forecast 2021
Enterprises expect a 7.2% nominal increase in exports of goods in 2021, improving compared to the forecast made in november - 2nd Forecast 2021
12 July 2021


The perspectives of the exporting enterprises point to a nominal increase of 7.2% in their exports of goods in 2021, corresponding to an upward revision of 2.3 percentage points (p.p.) in the 1st forecast made in November 2020. This revision results from the upward update of expectations for Intra-EU (+1.9 p.p., to 7.0%) and Extra-EU exports (+3.2 p.p., to 7.5%).
If these perspectives are confirmed, exports of goods in 2021 will be 10.6% below the values registered in the International Trade in 2019.
Excluding Fuels and lubricants, enterprises are expecting a 5.8% increase in 2021 (+1.3 p.p. in comparison to the 1st forecast).

Press release
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