In the 1st quarter of 2021, median house price of dwellings sales in Portugal was 1 241 €/m2, representing a year on year growth rate of +3,1%. In 10 NUTS III there was a deceleration in house prices higher than the observed in the country (-4.7 percentage points), including Algarve (-5.8 p.p.) and Área Metropolitana de Lisboa (-5.5 p.p.). The remaining NUTS III, with median house prices higher than the national value, also registered deceleration of the median house prices, however, below the one observed in the country – Região Autónoma da Madeira (-2,3 p.p.) and Área Metropolitana do Porto (-3,6 p.p.).
In 18 out of the 24 municipalities with more than 100 thousand inhabitants median house prices decelerated and, of this group, 10 belonged to the Área Metropolitana de Lisboa and 3 to the Área Metropolitana do Porto. With reference to the 24 municipalities with more than 100 thousand inhabitants, Lisboa was the only municipality to register a year on year growth rate reduction of median house price (-7,9%), in the 1st quarter of 2021 and Oeiras, the only municipality in the Área Metropolitana de Lisboa that recorded an acceleration in the median house price (+6.9 p.p.) to a rate of change of +12.3%.