There were 225 hospitals in Portugal in 2017, the same number and composition as in the previous year, namely 111 hospitals belonging to the official health services (107 public hospitals and 4 hospitals in public-private partnership).
There were almost 35 thousand beds available for the immediate hospitalisation of patients, of which 68.8% in public or public-private partnership hospitals (around 24 thousand) and the remaining 31.2% in private hospitals (almost 11 thousand).
Public and public-private partnership hospitals continued to be the main producers of medical services in 2017, namely more than 80% of emergency care attendances, more than 70% of hospitalisations and surgeries, and about 65% of medical appointments. However, as in the previous year, the production of medical services increased more in private hospitals: 3.6% more surgeries, 4.0% more hospitalizations, 4.5% more medical appointments and 7.1% more complementary acts of therapy.
The number of doctors and nurses registered in their professional associations increased again in 2017, respectively, by 3.4% and 3.0%. The increase in the number of doctors and nurses was more significant in hospitals, respectively by 4.7% and 3.2%. At the end of 2017, there were 5.0 doctors per 1,000 inhabitants in Portugal (1.4 pp more than in 2007) and 7.0 nurses per 1,000 inhabitants (1.9 pp more than in 2007).
In 2017, there were 2,925 pharmacies and 193 mobile medicine depots in Portugal, more 33 pharmacies and the same number of mobile medicine depots than in the previous year. In that year, there were 9,002 medicines (brands) available in the Portuguese pharmaceutical market, corresponding to 54,529 presentations.
See the Publication and the Infographic