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In the last two years the raise of the fishing quota and the exchange of quotas with Spain almost doubled the fishing possibilities for European Anchovy
Fishing statistics
In the last two years the raise of the fishing quota and the exchange of quotas with Spain almost doubled the fishing possibilities for European Anchovy - 2017
30 May 2018


In 2017 the fishing fleet caught 118.4 thousand tonnes of fresh and chilled fishery (124.2 thousand tonnes in 2016), with an income of EUR 272.4 million (EUR 269.5 million in 2016), representing a decrease of 4.7% in quantity and a raise of 1.1% in value. The average price of fish landed reached 2.23 €/kg (2.10€/kg in 2016), the highest value of the last twenty years.
Among fish which recently became relevant, European anchovies stood out. In fact, in 2017 the catches of this specie reached 9,021 tonnes, the highest value since statistical records by specie are available. The utilization rate of the national fishing quota for this specie rose from 3% in 2010 to 102% in 2017.
The main destination of European anchovies was exports (an average of 87% in 2012-2017), most of it fresh or chilled to Spain, and from 2015 forward, the volume of salted European anchovies overtook the volume of canned products, which was traditionally the second destination of this resource.


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