The number of passengers carried by heavy rail (133.9 million passengers) and their respective passengers-km (4.1 billion pkm) increased by 2.7% and by 4.8%, respectively (+1.7% and +2.7% in 2015). The transport of goods by rail decreased by 6.3%, after a 7.9% increase in 2015. Nevertheless, in terms of passengers-km, there was a 3.2% increase (+10.2% in 2015).
The transport of goods in heavy road vehicles decreased again in terms of tones (-4.0%, -1.9% in 2015), which stood at 148.6 million. In tone-km, there was an increase of 6.6% to 34.7 billion, due to international transport.
The movement of goods in ports amounted to 91.3 million tons, increasing by 5.1% (after +7.7% in 2015). In international transport (83.7% of the total), 76.5 million tons were handled (+0.8%).
Passengers at airports totaled 45.3 million, continuing to increase significantly: +14.3% (+11.0% in 2015). The cargo handling stood at 135.4 thousand tons (+1.6%, recovering from -2.2% in 2015), and mail volume totaled 14.7 thousand tons (+4.6%).
Regarding telecommunications, it is worth noting the significant increase of 24.6% in broadband internet access traffic. This growth was notoriously significant in mobile access: +48.6%.