Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Domestic Material Consumption increased 2.0%
Material flow accounts
Domestic Material Consumption increased 2.0% - 2014
21 December 2015


Domestic Material Consumption of materials increased 2.0% in 2014, determined by the economic activity recovery, namelly on industries with more intensive use of biomass and non metalic minerals. It should be reminded that this indicator diminished by 12.8% in 2013. The steeper increase in Domestic Material Consumption compared to GDP (+0.9% in real terms), led to a decline in resources productivity associated with the use of materials in 2014 (-1.0%), reversing the increasing trend since 2009. Portugal kept its resource productivity bellow EU28 average in 2014 (72.5%), although it was possible to observe an improvement on the last decade (it was 61.7% in 2002).

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