Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Air Emissions Accounts:Significative reduction of the greenhouse gases emissions
Air Emissions Accounts
Air Emissions Accounts:Significative reduction of the greenhouse gases emissions - 2009
30 September 2011

In 2009, it is estimated a reduction of the greenhouse gases emissions by 4.6%. This evolution confirms the trend, registered since 2006, of dissociation between the evolution of the economic activity and of the greenhouse gases emissions. In relation to the 1995-2009 period, the increase of CO2 emissions by industries was 6.6%, while the economy’s Gross Value Added rose 29.8% in volume. In the 2006-2009 period, a significant reduction was observed in these emissions ( 11.6%), mostly influenced by the energy intensity factor, reflecting the use of cleaner energy sources, namely the hydroelectric and wind energies and the natural gas.

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