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In A.M. Lisboa, the median house price acquired by purchasers with tax residence in foreign countries was more than double the price of housing acquired by purchasers from national territory
House prices statistics at local level
In A.M. Lisboa, the median house price acquired by purchasers with tax residence in foreign countries was more than double the price of housing acquired by purchasers from national territory - 4th Quarter 2021
21 April 2022


In the 4th quarter of 2021, median house price of dwellings sales in Portugal was 1 355 €/m2, representing a year-on-year growth rate of +14.1% (+12.2% in the previous quarter). In 23 of the 25 NUTS 3 sub-regions, there was also an increase in median house prices compared to the same period in the previous year.

The two sub-regions with the highest median house prices - Algarve (2 114 €/m2) and Área Metropolitana de Lisboa (1 904 €/m2) - also had the highest values in both categories of purchase's tax residence: National Territory (respectively, 1 969 €/m2 and 1 858 €/m2) and foreign (2 547 €/m2 and 4 283 €/m2).

In the 4th quarter of 2021, the year-on-year growth rate in house prices increased in 7 out of the 11 municipalities with more than 100 thousand inhabitants in the Área Metropolitana de Lisboa, with this acceleration being higher than the observed at national level (+1.9 p.p.) in Setúbal (+9.8 p.p.) Loures (+3.0 p.p.), Almada (+2.2 p.p.) and Oeiras (+2.1 p.p.). 

In the Área Metropolitana do Porto, the municipalities of Maia (+10,5 p.p.) and Vila Nova de Gaia (+8,1 p.p.) also scored an increase in the year-on-year rates of change higher than the country. In Lisboa (+0,4 p.p.) and Porto (+0,9 p.p.) the acceleration was less expressive.

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