Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

World Health Day - 7 April
World Health Day - 7 April
World Health Day - 7 April - 2002 - 2012
04 April 2014

In 2012, at the 214 Portuguese hospitals, took place more than 1 million hospitalizations, approximately 16.5 million outpatient medical consultations, 122 million diagnosis examinations and 22 million treatment procedures.
The hospitals employed about 21 thousand doctors and 37 thousand nurses.
The circulatory diseases and malignant tumours were responsible for more than half of the deaths in the country, accounting for 30.4% and 23.9%, respectively, of the recorded deaths.
The number of "healthy life years", which corresponds to the number of years of disability free life expectancy, was 60.7 for men and 58.6 for women in 2011.

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