Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

At risk of poverty rate was 18%
Income and Living Conditions
At risk of poverty rate was 18% - 2011
13 July 2012

The resident population in risk of poverty was 18.0% in 2010, according to the 2011 EU-SILC (EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions) survey provisional data.  The relative at risk-of-poverty gap, 23.2%, has slightly increased (22.7% in 2009). The impact of social transfers (excluding pensions) in the reducing of the risk of poverty has decreased from 8.5 percentage points (p.p.) to 7.3 p. p. in 2010.
The risk of poverty of families with dependent children increased to 20.1%, 2 p.p. above the risk of poverty for the resident population.
The severe material deprivation rate has reduced, achieving 8.3% of the resident population in 2011 (9.0% in the previous year).
The gap between richer and poorer has slightly increased.

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